Menu from Albishaus Panoramarestaurant
Check out the menu at Albishaus Panoramarestaurant and discover what everyone's craving! Know what to expect when you book a table at Albishaus Panoramarestaurant: From appetizers to desserts, discover the delicious food awaiting you. You can even peek at the prices, menu highlights and popular dishes from Albishaus Panoramarestaurant. Mmm we’re getting hungry already…
Menu highlights
Includes dishes that are:
Birnen Tarte Tatin mit "Blauem Wunder" (CH)
auf Chicoréesalat mit gebrannten Baumnüssen. Pear tarte Tatin with Swiss blue cheese, on chicory salad with roasted walnuts
Dörrtomaten-Ravioli aus Höngg (CH)
mit Winterspinat, Pinienkernen und Olivenbrösmeli. Locally produced ravioli, filled with parched tomatoes, served with winter spinach, pine nuts and olive crumbles
Sellerie-Suppe mit Suurem Most
Celery soup infused with Swiss apple cider
Kalbsbraten vom Holzenhof in Ennetbürgen (CH) an Dörrzwetschgensauce
dazu Kartoffelstock und Winterspinat. Swiss mountain veal roast on a dried plum sauce, with mashed potatoes and winter spinach
Topinambur-Ricottastrudel mit Parmesan & Kräutern
auf Randencrème mit Portulak (+15 Min. Zubereitungszeit). Sunchoke ricotta strudel with parmesan cheese and herbs, served on beetroot cream accompanied by purslane and king oyster mushrooms (+15 min. prep. time)
Vegane Blätterteigkissen, gefüllt mit Schwarzwurzelragout
an Safransauce, mit Lauch und Peterlipesto. Vegan puff pastries on saffron sauce, filled with black salsify blanquette, served with leeks & parsley pesto
Veganes Schokoladensorbet mit Sesam-Ingwer-Knusper
Vegan chocolate sorbet with sesamy ginger crumble
Caramel Panna cotta mit Portweinbirne
Caramel panna cotta with port wine infused pear
Quarkmousse mit Mandarinen & Chocolate-Chips-Cookie
Curd mousse with tangerines and chocolate chips cookie