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District 6
San Domenico
San Domenico Menu

San Domenico


Dishes priced around39 CHF

Photo of restaurant San Domenico in District 6, Zurich
San Domenico is not bookable via Quandoo. To make a reservation, contact the restaurant using the details below.

Menu from San Domenico

Check out the menu at San Domenico and discover what everyone's craving! Know what to expect when you book a table at San Domenico: From appetizers to desserts, discover the delicious food awaiting you. You can even peek at the prices, menu highlights and popular dishes from San Domenico. Mmm we’re getting hungry already…

Menu highlights


La caponata sicilana

Auberginen nach sizilianischer Art, süss-sauer

15,00 CHF
Gamberoni alla mediterranea

Riesencrevetten nach mediterranischer Art

25,00 CHF
½ Astice su lettino di fagioline verdi

Halber Hummer auf grünen Bohnen

35,00 CHF


Insalata mista

Gemischter Salat

9,50 CHF
Pomodori Ramato, mozzarella e basilico

Tomaten Ramato mit Mozzarella und Basilikum

13,50 CHF
Rucola, pomodori Ramato e parmigiano

Rucola Salat, Tomaten und Parmesan

13,50 CHF

Ravioli al pomodoro

Ravioli an Tomatensauce

22,00 CHF
Scaloppine alla norma

Kalbsschnitzel mit Auberginen, Tomaten, Basilikum und Knoblauch

38,00 CHF
Sogliola intera alla griglia o alla mugnaia

Seezunge vom Grill oder nach Müllerinart

57,00 CHF


Sorbetto al calvados

9,50 CHF
Mousse al cioccolato

10,50 CHF
Profiterol della casa

12,50 CHF
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